How to Use Maven in Selenium? – Follow 6 Easy Steps


In the world of software development and test automation, efficiency and organization are key. One powerful tool that can help achieve these goals is Maven.

If you are looking to harness the potential of Selenium for web automation, integrating it with Maven can make your life a whole lot easier.

In this article, we will explore how to use Maven in Selenium to streamline your testing process and ensure project success.

What is Maven in Selenium?

Maven is a popular build automation and project management tool used basically for Java-based projects. It simplifies the build process by managing dependencies, compiling code, running tests, and packaging the project into distributable formats such as JAR or WAR files.

Maven uses a standardized directory structure and employs a declarative approach to project configuration, making it an excellent choice for managing Selenium projects.

Maven’s Core Concepts

1. Project Object Model (POM)

At the heart of Maven is the Project Object Model or POM. This XML file serves as the project’s blueprint, defining its structure, dependencies, and configurations. It acts as a central hub for managing project information.

2. Dependencies

In the Maven world, dependencies refer to external libraries and frameworks required for a project to function correctly. Maven simplifies the process of managing and resolving dependencies, ensuring that your project always has access to the necessary components.

3. Plugins

Maven relies on a vast collection of plugins to execute various tasks during the build process. These plugins extend Maven’s functionality and enable developers to customize their build cycles according to their project’s needs.

4. Repositories

Repositories are storage locations where Maven retrieves dependencies and plugins. Maven Central Repository is the default global repository, but you can configure additional repositories to suit your project requirements.

Why You Should Use Maven If You Are Planning to Do Automation?

Maven is like a helpful assistant for building projects. Here are some important points about Maven:

  1. Build Automation Tool: Think of Maven as a tool that helps put your project together automatically.
  2. Free and Open Source: You can use Maven for free, and it’s open to everyone.
  3. Works on Different Systems: Maven is flexible and works on Windows, MAC, and Linux computers.
  4. Defines Project Structure: It helps organize your project by setting up how things should be arranged.
  5. Manages Dependencies: Maven keeps track of what your project needs and makes sure you have it.
  6. Uses pom.xml: This is like the project’s main file that holds all the important information.
  7. Works with Other Tools: You can use Maven with tools like Selenium, Apache POI, TestNG, Cucumber, and Appium for different tasks.
  8. Good for Continuous Integration: If you’re into Continuous Integration (CI), Maven makes it easy to fit into that workflow.

So, in simple terms, Maven is a handy tool that takes care of the nitty-gritty details of your project, making it easier for you to focus on getting things done.


Before you can use Maven in Eclipse, you need to have a few prerequisites in place:

  1. Eclipse IDE: Make sure you have Eclipse installed on your computer. You can download it from the Eclipse website.
  2. Java Development Kit (JDK): Maven relies on Java, so you must have the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed. You can download it from the Oracle or OpenJDK website.
  3. Internet Connection: Maven downloads dependencies from the internet, so you need an active internet connection.

Once you have these prerequisites in order, you can easily set up and use Maven within Eclipse for your Java projects.

How to Use Maven in Selenium using Eclipse?

Here’s how to use Maven in Selenium in Eclipse, step by step:

1. Create a New Maven Project

  • Open Eclipse.
  • Go to File > New > Other
  • Look for Maven, expand it, and pick Maven Project Hit Next
  • Choose to Create a simple project (skip archetype selection) and click Next
  • Enter Group Id: as dev.selenium (“Group Id” is the distinctive root name representing the company or organization responsible for creating the project.)
  • Enter Artifact Id: as Selenium (“Artifact ID” is the exclusive project name.)
  • Click Finish to create the Maven project.

2. Change the JRE System Library (Optional)

Changing your JRE System Library is optional, but you may change this to your latest JDK version to make your project compact with the latest build components.

  • Expand project Selenium. (You can choose your project)
  • Right-click on JRE System Library > Properties
  • Select Alternate JRE:
  • Click on the Installed JREs.. > Add.. > Standard VM > Next
  • Tap on Directory.. button of JRE home:
  • Select the JDK folder and click on Select Folder. (Example: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.0.13)
  • Click on Finish
  • Check ☑ the JDK you have selected if not checked.
  • Click on Apply > Apply and Close
  • Choose Workspace default JRE
  • Click on Apply and Close

3. Add Selenium to Your Project

  • In your project, you will see a file called “pom.xml.” This is where Maven keeps track of what your project needs.
  • Open it up.
  • Go to Maven Repository on the browser.
  • Search for Selenium Java in the search bar and click on Selenium Java of org.seleniumhq.selenium.
  • Choose the latest stable version available there and tap on that version. (Example: 4.12.1).
  • Copy the Maven dependency to look like the below dependency. You can also tap on the dependency to copy it automatically.
<!-- -->
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
  • Now, go to the pom.xml file and paste the dependency code you have copied previously. You need to create a <dependencies> </dependencies> tag and under this tag paste your selenium-java dependency.
  • Now, again go to Maven Repository and search for WebDriverManager and choose io.github.bonigarcia related WebDriverManager.
  • Go to the latest stable version and again copy the dependency and paste it into your pom.xml file.
<!-- -->
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
  • Finally, our pom.xml file will look like this. You can also copy this pom.xml file content and paste it to your pom.xml file instead.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

		<strong><!-- -->

		<strong><!-- -->
</project>Code language: Java (java)
  • Save the file. Maven will do the setup automatically by fetching the right Selenium tools for you. It may take a few minutes to complete the setup. You can see the progress at the right bottom section of Eclipse.

4. Create a Selenium Test

  • Go back to Eclipse.
  • Under the project, go to src > test > java.
  • Right-click on the Java folder and tap on New> Other.
  • In the Wizards: search bar, search for Package, select it, and click on the Next button.
  • Give any package name (Example: and click on the Finish button.
  • Now, navigate to src/test/java under our project and right-click on package.
  • Go to the New > Class and give any name such as Test, check ☑ public static void main(String[] args), and click on the Finish button.
  • Make a new Java class for your Selenium tests.

5. Write Your Selenium Test

  • Inside your Test class, you can write the code for your Selenium tests using the WebDriver. Here’s a basic example:
// How to use Maven in Selenium


import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager;

public class Test {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

}Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

6. Run Your Selenium Test

  • Right-click on your Test class.
  • Choose Run As > Java Application.

Maven will take care of handling all the parts needed for your project, including Selenium WebDriver. It will compile your code and run your Selenium tests smoothly.

That’s the lowdown on using Maven with Selenium in Eclipse. It makes managing your project and dependencies a breeze, so you can focus on creating awesome Selenium tests.

Best Practices for Using Maven in Selenium

Keeping Dependencies Updated

Regularly update your Selenium dependencies to stay current with the latest features and bug fixes.

Maintaining Clean Project Structure

Follow Maven’s standard project structure to keep your project organized and make it easier for collaborators to understand.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Dependency Conflicts

If you encounter dependency conflicts, use Maven’s dependency management to resolve them. Exclude conflicting transitive dependencies as needed.

Build Failures

Check your project’s pom.xml for errors or missing configurations. Also, ensure your internet connection is stable for dependency downloads.


Incorporating Maven into your Selenium workflow can significantly enhance your test automation process. It streamlines project setup, dependency management, test execution, and reporting, allowing you to focus on writing effective tests and ensuring the quality of your web applications.

Now that you have a solid understanding of how to use Maven in Selenium, it’s time to put this knowledge into practice and experience the benefits firsthand.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can I update Selenium WebDriver in my Maven project?

A: To update Selenium WebDriver, simply modify the version number in your project’s pom.xml file to the desired version, and Maven will handle the update for you.

2. Can I use Maven with languages other than Java for Selenium?

A: While Maven is primarily associated with Java, it can be used with other programming languages as long as there are compatible libraries and plugins available.

3. Are there alternative build tools to Maven for Selenium?

A: Yes, alternatives like Gradle and Ant can also be used for Selenium projects, but Maven remains one of the most popular choices due to its robust features and extensive plugin ecosystem.

4. How can I integrate my Maven-based Selenium tests with Jenkins for Continuous Integration?

A: Jenkins offers native support for Maven. You can configure a Jenkins job to build and run your Maven-based Selenium tests as part of your CI pipeline.

5. Where can I find additional resources to learn more about Maven and Selenium integration?

A: You can explore online tutorials, documentation, and forums dedicated to both Maven and Selenium for in-depth learning and troubleshooting.

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